Ajax CombiProtect


Ajax CombiProtect functions as a dual detector — a motion detector and a glass break detector. Your CombiProtect can detect motion from a distance of up to 12 meters. The dual sensor can also sense glass breakage from a distance of up to 9 meters from the window.

Wireless, pet-immune, motion detector that notifies the owner of the first signs of intrusions. This detector works best when placed adjacent to all the entry points of your property, like the doors and the windows. The device detects human presence and ignores your pets that weigh up to a 20 Kg, and are 50 cm in height. The device also detects glass break and thus protects you from intruders when they try to enter through windows. Just place the device in front or adjacent to a window. The device works even 9 meters away from the window so you can install it safely away from the window as well to protect the device from glass in case a window is broken.

EAN: N/A SKU: SMP-00038 Category:

Black, White


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